Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baking the Perfect Steak

If you're like me, one of your favorite foods is steak, and nothing beats a nice steak grilled over charcoal on a hot summer night.  Unfortunately for those of us living in Central New York summer is still a wet cold winter/spring away, and  firing up the grill is not so appealing in this cold wet weather.  It looks like our perfect steak will have to wait until late March, sorry for getting you all worked up (kidding).

In my pursuit of the perfect "winter" steak I came across a simple cooking method that provides the closest thing to that char grilled perfection.  All you'll need for this recipe is a good steak (T-bone, Ribeye, London Broil, etc) salt, pepper, your favorite rub, the oven and a meat thermometer.  If you don't have one, buy a good meat thermometer, like this one on it will vastly improve your meat cooking skills.


1 Grass Fed Steak (Ribeye, T-bone, Cowboy, London Broil)
Meat Rub of Choice


1.  The night before you plan on cooking the steak, sprinkle with salt and pepper, place in a container and refrigerate.
2. Remove the steak from the refridgerator 1 hour prior to cooking, allow the meat to reach room temperature.
3.  Pre-heat your oven to 250*F.
4.  Place your meat thermometer in the thickest part of your meat, NOT near the bone.  Place the steak on a wire rack, situate this rack on a cookie sheet to catch the drippings.
5.  Put your steak in the oven, checking every 15 minutes or so until the internal temperature reaches 132*F for medium-rare, 140*F for medium.
6.  Remove your steak, turn your oven's broiler on and allow it to heat up for a few minutes.
7.  Place your steak in the oven on a rack 5-6 inches from the top, after 2 minutes flip your steak allow it to cook 2 minutes longer and remove.
9.  Enjoy!!

Be sure to share your experience below!

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